
The idea of having a website for my practice has felt foreign and, at times, intimidating. I suppose you could say I’m “Old School.” On July 1, 1990 I hung a shingle and started taking care of patients. New patients came when they were referred by another physician or therapist. Often my own patients were great referral sources. The last 25 years has been a great educational experience for me. I’ve learned a great deal from my patients. I’ve probably learned more from them than they have learned from me.

Advances in technology have changed how potential patients seek out medical care. Everyone has access to medical literature and many psychiatrists, myself included, talk with informed patients on a daily basis. Not all information on the web is accurate, but the fact that patients seek out information tells me that they’re interested and want an active role in their care.

With the help of a very energetic and enthusiastic web developer I’m being pulled in to the 21st century. My website has been live for a few months. I’ve tried to present to the potential patient a snapshot of me, what I do, and a bit about the office itself. I’m enthused about having a blog. As they say in writing school, “Write what you know.” I hope to write about various topics in psychiatry that I feel are relevant to any patient. Lastly I’ve had a few thoughts about what to call this blog. The jokester in me thought of calling it, “Free Associations With Dr. Les Moody,” but for now I think I’ll stick with something simpler and refer to it as, Dr. Bob’s Blog.